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communimage screen

communimage is a collaborative art project since 1999. Thousands of people have since then contributed to a growing sea of images. communimage is an attempt to entertain a visual global dialogue.

Statistic: 21.09.2009, 18:29
Number of images: 25953
Number of contributors: 2276
Number of origin countries: 92

Printing size: 156.34152m2 (14.3736m x 10.8932m)

The visual interface of communimage is a grid system that defines exactly the position of each image (128x128 pixel), that has been uploaded. Each image (or "patch") carries a certain amount of meta information (added by the creator of the image). This meta information will be used to visualize facets of communimage.

erbse screen

The idea behind e.r.b.s.e. is to risen the quality of database/search engines (DS) from the individual into the visual and relational. We want to extend existent databases from their linear, stringent structures to contextual and emotional tools to make other information and interest coherences visible and communicable.

Starting point is the treasure of the DS, the search keys. The moment you enter a search key is also an intuitive, emotional and personal one. In the very own method of searching you express more than the wish to find the coherent result. As we know from our own enquiries often an intuitively and spontaneously chosen search key leads to a more “profound” result than the assumed logical linked one.

We propose, what is atypical for search engines, to give the search keys a visualisation, a spatial contextual appearance in which the single enquiry operation is related and positioned in to a dynamic global context with “all” the others inquiries and so generate a spatial and contextual representativeness.

The basic idea is the “comparison of the search”. What means that the visual links would be generated by the system treating search keys and results not independent from each other but comparing the content of meaning in the results and putting them in spatial relation. The so visualized searchlandscape would be represented with typographic elements.
On a first level there would be shown all relations between the search keys themselves by lines. Every search key has a mouse over that contains further information like (entry date, time and other from the same user entered search keys).
On a second level there would appear all results belonging to this search key. Showing the users the relational aspect of their operation and facilitating to see also the connections to other users.

geanet screen

geografia affettiva (geanet) is about composing and mapping the interrelation of life and how to provide each member of a community/association/gang/group/band/etc. with a tool to interact with the geanet-system and the other: to in-form ("to put into form") his/her personal plan(s) and map(s) as part of a whole visualised, multi-layered and dynamic network.

using the technology of the telephone networks (cellular phone networks/internet), the application provides the possibility to translate his/her physical/spatial and intellectual/spiritual moves (and the motivations behind them) onto a web platform. this translation and mapping happens directly when the member sends location- and (e)motionbased information (sms, web-online-editing) about individual spots, moments, movements, ways and stays.

the visual basics of geanet are maps/plans. each single member develops his/her individual cartography by working with the above mentioned technologies: his/her way in space, in-between the poles of interest and affection become digital and visual because they evolve into a concrete physical state of being related. "individual landscape" becomes "condividual datascape" and "I" takes the shape of a knot in the networks of "yous".

hence geanet includes as a central feature, the possibility to overlap these individual maps and layers of information: this way, a member is able to create new kinds of versatile maps based on information derived from the individual meta-data of the community. his/her specific motivations, routes and destinations draw spots, lines, curves and intersections. a hyper-linked multi-layer-pattern of "all" ways and stays of a community composed by the individual movements and "meetings" of people, their imagination, wishes and emerging projects:
a transpersonal cartography > an affective geography.